PeachyChai's Terms Of Service

Failure to comply with my TOS will result in your commission being denied.Things I WILL Draw:
- Original Characters
- Fursonas
- Content Creators (If it doesn’t go against their personal boundaries, which I WILL check.)
Things I WILL NOT Draw:
- Heavy Gore
Things that can be negotiated:
- Light Gore
- Payment is only accepted through Paypal and Ko-Fi.
- All Prices are in USD.
- I do not offer refunds once I have passed the colouring stage of the commission. If I have not yet made it to that point of your commission, I am able to refund you.- It is preferred that you send references if you have any, which include ideas of what you may want in terms of backgrounds, smaller details, etc. If you do not have any references, please send a description of what you like! the more detailed, the better!- I will send you an image of each stage of the commission. You may request small changes without cost, however large changes, especially towards the end stages will result in an additional charge.- The finished product will be sent through to the place of contact unless specified otherwise by the client.- Once I send you the work, please keep in mind that I can still use the work in portfolios, promotional sheets, etc.- If you use the work commercially, or post it anywhere, please credit me for the work. You will be charged an additional 10% for commercial use of my work.- A reminder that I can take some time to complete the commission, and that if you have a deadline that must be met, please let me know beforehand as I cannot meet the deadline if I am unaware of it.- I have a right to decline your commission request, whether it is within my scope or not, if it is in my will not draw list, or if I have reached my capacity.- These terms of service can and will change.